Marijuana Addiction Treatment

In the United States, Marijuana is one of the most common unlawfully used drugs. It is used as a cigarette that is made by rolling with hands. Other forms in which people use it are in a water pipe or a pipe. In addition to this, Marijuana can also be smoked sometimes in a blunt or cigar. It is first emptied (tobacco) and then re-filled with tobacco and marijuana mixture. There’s another way by which people consume it - by mixing the stems, seeds, flowers or leaves with food or in tea. Marijuana Addiction is very dangerous and can even be life-threatening sometimes. 

What is Marijuana?

Marijuana has different names including mary jane, grass, flowers, leaves, weed, pot, herb, and bud. It consists of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and some other related chemical compounds, the psychoactive (that causes instantly to change the state of your mind). Other names of the substance include the dried flowers, seeds, stems, and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant.

According to a study, more than 30 percent of the people who have used marijuana on some level may have experienced some kind of disorder at some point in time in their lives. It is also revealed that those who have been using the drug at or before the age of 18 have more chances of getting addicted to it than those who have developed the disease in their adulthood. 

How a Person Gets Affected by Marijuana Uses

Both the body and the mind of a person gets affected by Marijuana uses in a number of ways. The Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol present in the drug will move to the bloodstream from the lungs when consumed. From here, the THC is taken to the brain and other parts of the body. The person will start feeling the effects of the drug, the moment THC gets activated into the brain. 

Symptoms of marijuana intoxication
  • Mood Swings
  • Extra Alertness of Senses
  • Uncontrolled Body movements
  • Affected memory
  • Difficulty in Problem Solving
  • Thinking Disorder
Some Long-term Effects of Marijuana:
Impaired Thinking

Continuous uses of Marijuana can affect a person’s thinking ability, learning abilities, and can cause loss of memory. It’s not yet found if these changes in how a person behaves after the uses of marijuana will be recovered or not. 

Lung Disturbances

Marijuana slowly starts creating a problem with a person’s lungs. Since it is for a longer period of time that it is smoked, therefore results in breathing problems. Smoking marijuana can result in lung blocks, coughing, and lung illness. 

Increased Heart Rate 

Marijuana can increase the risk of a heart attack. The substance has the capability to increase the heart rate for a period of three hours - that’s dangerous for your heart health.

Vomiting like Feeling

The person can develop Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome that makes him feel like vomiting and nausea. 

Negative Effect on Mental Health 

In many people, the uses of Marijuana can cause a negative effect on the mental health of the person. It can cause paranoia and hallucinations, which may develop into schizophrenia later on. In addition to that, depression and anxiety are some common side effects of marijuana. 

Symptoms of Marijuana Abuse

Marijuana is illegally consumed by a huge number of population in the United States. There are numerous signs and symptoms that can help with identifying marijuana abuse in your loved ones or in someone close to you. These symptoms are also sometimes referred to as marijuana use disorder or marijuana dependence. 

Here are some common symptoms of Marijuana Abuse
  • Difficulty in coordinating
  • Unusual perception
  • Thinking Problem
  • Memory Loss
  • Red Eyes
  • Coughing 
  • Increased Heartbeat
  • Unusual hunger
  • Fearfulness
  • Increased Reaction Time
Other Symptoms of Marijuana Use Disorder 
  • The need for more Marijuana to get a similar effect as used to achieve with a lesser amount.
  • Severe withdrawal symptoms after quitting uses of marijuana including insomnia, irritability, and more.
  • Using marijuana for a longer time period.
  • Not able to cut through the uses of marijuana even after trying harder.
  • A feeling of no interest in social commitments, work responsibilities and quitting hobbies. 
  • Continued uses of Marijuana even after knowing the plethora of negative effects of the same on body and mind.
  • Continuous uses of Marijuana also results in anxiety, interpersonal conflict, weight gain, and lethargic behavior. 
Marijuana and Dual Diagnosis

Although Marijuana is a dangerous drug, but it affects different people differently. It will completely depend on how the person is and what has been his state of mind throughout the life. While one person can face very severe results, the other can get just mild effects. This could sometimes be completely different. 

For those people who are already suffering from some mental disorders, uses of marijuana can make the person feel even worse. This can have negative impacts like anxiety and depression and various other negative feelings. People who already are suffering from schizophrenia can suffer from visual hallucinations and auditory and sometimes paranoid.

There are dual diagnosis addiction treatment centers for marijuana abuse that can help with treatment programs designed to help with both mental health issues and addiction-related problems. They will incorporate traditional training programs with that of the counseling sessions for marijuana addiction treatment. 

Therapies Included in the Marijuana Treatment Programs

Most of the therapies are common under these programs for all types of patients. But, there are a few that are applied and used for people with certain symptoms. Here are a few of the commonly used therapies under Marijuana Treatment Programs. 

CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy):

This is one of the most common therapies that is given to the patients undertaking the treatment program. Under this therapy, the person’s thinking pattern is analyzed to develop some new form of coping methods with the negative mind and body patterns developed from the effect of marijuana use. 

Motivating Interviews:

Such types of interviews are designed to inspire individuals towards leading a sober life and getting rid of addiction. In general, it’s human nature - most people find it really tough staying sober particularly when they are told to do so. This motivational interviewing can help the patients keep working in the direction and remain sober.

Holistic therapies:

Under this therapy, the patient undergoes different techniques as a means of recovery including mindfulness meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and more. 

Contingency Management:

In these therapies, the person is given rewards to encourage them to work dedicatedly towards getting sober. This is an effective form of the treatment program and the person can get great results towards the path of recovery and sobriety. 

Rehab for Marijuana Abuse:

It takes time to recover from Marijuana abuse. There are different phases the person goes through in this entire process of recovery. 

Important phases of Marijuana Abuse Recovery
Marijuana Detoxification

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body that have been accumulated because of the long uses of marijuana. This is the initial phase of the treatment program and the period when the patients get to understand this harsh reality. For people who have been on high doses or have been taking it frequently, detoxification has to be the initial stage. And, he needs to be ready for numerous withdrawal symptoms like physical discomfort, cravings, sleep disorders, mood swings, irritability, decreased appetite, fear, and more. However, marijuana symptoms can be really uncomfortable, but it does not cause any threat to your life. The side effects will last just for a few days and will gradually start disappearing. 

Inpatient Treatment

The usability of an inpatient program will depend entirely on the severity of the addiction a person is facing. Under outpatient programs, there are nurses, medical specialists, and counselors 24/7 to help the patient. They will be there to help you through your good days as well as bad days comforting you and helping you in every situation. There are different therapy sessions under the program including yoga, exercise, spiritual sessions, and meditations. Under these programs, the person is given educational sessions to learn different skills that can help them in the recovery process. 

Outpatient Treatment

The Outpatient treatment programs are particularly designed for people who have already completed the residential treatment programs and also the ones who do not need round-the-clock counseling sessions and have been on very low doses. Marijuana treatment programs are very helpful in treating disorders caused due to drug uses. These programs work by offering weekly group and individual sessions. This ranges from one to four times every week and the patients are given regular counseling sessions. There are mental health therapists and experienced therapists that will be guiding the patients throughout the recovery process. The outpatient treatment programs help with recovery while allowing the patients to carry on with the regular work and everyday life tasks. They help connect with peers with similar state of mind who can understand each other situation.

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